Sabrina has the "installing drywall" instructions from the Internet open on my computer and I guess this will really happen soon, hopefully this weekend, in order that I might be able to start coloring the rest of the room. I never really considered fixtures until just now, but am going toward the brushed nickel look, clean and easy to upkeep as well as being a classic look. I am getting more traditional in my interior design selection, a change from my current contemporary look. I believe age has a way of doing that, becoming more classical and rich looking. The south sure has that appeal here. And the patients whom I visit weekly have provided me with many different varieties of decor and color as well as style.
Had to take a break here to get that first sip of coffee, ah, the delicacy of good coffee. Sorry to get off track here, but need my java in the morning. So wonderful doing the slow raising and welcoming a new day. Will have to stretch and work out next then do my reading.
Back to the house. As noted in Andrea's blog, the house was built in 1985 and has all the original workings except for the new roof, windows and A/C units/heat pumps. All energy efficient, which is evident in the monthly savings on the electric bill. Solar would have nice but the technology has not really been affordable as yet. Upon purchase of our home in 1991, we immediately installed an in ground pool, which has been upgraded with new liner and cover, a must when you live in the humidity here and have small children. During latter years of my children's youth, the pool sat empty and neglected, as they were too busy with boys, school, athletics to name a few, but has recently become the popular hot spot for the neighbors and me. I used that pool almost daily this past summer and plan the same this year. Nothing better than to feel the water on your bare skin during the humid nights. A hot tub has been added to the enclosed deck which also gets a lot of activity year round. It is especially nice when it is freezing cold outside and the steam is all about you and the sun is rising. A new fresh coat of paint sits on the exterior of the house. Kevin has been faithful to maintain this over the years. Gutters will need to be upgraded at some point, but no hurry on that as yet. I believe one could upgrade just about everything if having an endless checkbook. I am looking at the time and realize I must turn attention to other tasks, so I will close on this installment of the renovations. Look for updates soon to come. Have a blessed day, one and all.