Sabrina will start on the bathroom again today, she says, and despite my advise not to replace the drywall, she is going to anyways. "I can always call Dwane to come and help me" is her answer. I have not freaked out thus far, so I just take deep breaths and sigh and roll with the it. I will be glad to see the conglomeration of work tools and equipment leave the hallway, as I almost broke my neck on the cords last night. One has to have a mental image of where all the junk lies when getting out of bed to travel to another room on the second floor. Sabrina hollered up last night after I tripped and almost landed on my face after tripping on the cord for the paint machine. Why is there is a paint machine up there now you might ask? Sabrina used it to spray water on the ceiling for removing the popcorn ceiling. It worked like a charm after she figured out how to use the machine, thanks to the Internet instructions she found online after cursing the machine for 2 days. Anyways, it will be there for heaven knows how long, as we will roll on paint once the new walls are up.
I am not liking the fact that I have to work again today, have an inservice to present to the case managers at CFVMC on enteral pumps, drumming up more business, as there is never enough to do already! I still have my regular work to do as well. Not to mention that my boss is having her Gallbladder yank today and now one less person in the office and I am on call this weekend which is ALWAYS hectic when I am on call. Another TPN teach and one can only imagine what else there is to do. I am trying to fit the studying for my exam into the already jammed schedule and hate memorizing the Chemo drug reactions, they all make you sick!
Enough complaining. I am grateful to work with a great group of folks and blessed that Sabrina has cooked 2 meals for me this week and cleaned up the mess as well. She make some kick butt cupcakes for the office which didn't see the end of day before all were consumed and we were rubbing our bellies. JCAHO is coming and I am it, they will be riding with me for the day. Not worried, as I have been through so many in the past, it should be a breeze. Just got to find more time to crack the books and stay awake at night to flip the pages of the masses of manuals I have to study from. Everyone pray I make my 85% mark I am shooting for.
Well, here ends another chapter of my thoughts today, got to make some fresh coffee, already drank the leftovers from 2 days ago. Need the caffeine to pump through the veins to wake up. Arivaderchi! Not sure on that spelling folks!
Dear Max
10 years ago
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